Self-catering accomodation & Wine Estate


The Stables Tasting Room, originally an old stable, was converted at the end of 2012 and has added a new dimension to the Belfield experience.
Celebrations of all manners: tastings, birthdays, year-end functions, farewells and film shoots have been hosted here. We even had a one year birthday party for Eva.
If you are a foodie, please watch TV3 on Sundays at 4pm (from May 5th) when Sarah Graham’s “Bitten” Cooking series begins. Part of the series was filmed at Belfield in April and features her friends, family and food – all of which Sarah and hubby Rob Graham are passionate about.

Belfield wines have been headed to this vast, spectacular country for a while now and we decided to walk the walk and meet the people who introduce, uncork and pour our wine in Namibia. In Windhoek we had a busy schedule which included wine tastings at various hotels and restaurants. The Wilderness Safari group hosted a wine-tasting at their head office in Windhoek and made all the arrangements for us to visit three remote and beautiful lodges – Little Kulala near Sossusvlei, Damaraland Camp and Desert Rhino Camp. There is a tangible sense of friendliness and professional care at these lodges. Proudly Namibian, the staff shows commitment to their work and the company who has their personal, cultural and conservation goals at heart. It was a life inspiring experience which we will never forget.

The 2013 wine crop progressed beautifully until just before Easter when rainy and cold weather followed into the wettest, coolest Easter in at least 10 years, a weather guru assure me that it is 100years. I stand to be corrected.
Our concern was that as the daily temperatures fell, the threat of botrytis rose exponentially. But the vines, which grow like weeds in this part of the world, seemed immune to the ravages of our clime and reigned supreme.
Talking about reigning, our Cabernet Sauvignon, the royal blue-blooded, blue berried grapes looked magnificent this year. Lawrence and Lucky had made sure that the bunches that reached the cellar were perfect – no green or rotten berries. This made the work for the team in the vineyards and at the sorting table that much easier.
Even our Shiraz, which we call our “Skollie” vineyard, due to its wild, unkempt growth habit, typical of Shiraz, pulled through in fine fettle.
Mel had her first experience as a picker and sorter and cellar assistant. The teams worked at a pace that she could not match. Wonderful camaraderie and comment s, shouts of “Moenie mors! Elke korrel is a bottel” (pronounced ‘borrel’ in the Cape).
The sleep deprived wine maker, can now talk to his wife, and others, on subjects other than wine (i.e. no more “whining” or wining….for awhile!